R.I.P. Paul Walker

An American Hero


Paul Walker was an unconventional American hero, in the best sense of the word. A “Made for the 21st Century” knight in shining armor. And if not a movie star then who? Politician, Businessman, or Religious Leader . . . doubtful. His big screen associates weren’t former special forces, well connected, or stereo typical, rather, out casts and misfits who were tired of seeing injustice in the system, both from the criminal hierarchy and the establishment.

I had the opportunity to say hello to Paul at the Boathouse restaurant in Santa Barbara about a year ago. He was polite, and soft spoken. It was hard as a man not to admire his on-screen persona. What a tragedy, for someone with so much talent and influence to leave us so soon. The very day of his passing he had organized a fund raiser through his own charity, Reach Out Worldwide, which was trying to help those affected by the typhoon in the Philippines. We need more hero’s like Paul Walker, willing to put it all on the line to fight evil. Unfortunately, they’re hard to come by.

Paul, you will be missed.